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Team Junkfish Blog

Art Blog 17 – Lighting Re-Visited

Hey everyone!

Time for another art blog. This week we are working on ship lighting!

With the new fuse system in place players are now able to power on/off different parts of the ship, which includes the lighting. The player should find it difficult to navigate the unpowered sections without light but we do not want it to be entirely impossible so we’ve had to create two different lighting schemes; One for each section in a powered state, and one in an unpowered state which consists of the ships emergency backup lighting. We wanted to contrast the two states as much as possible, building tension with a darker, colder colour sceme consisting of green and blue light whilst easing the player with a much warmer and brighter scheme as part of the reward for when the player powers up a section.

Currently we are still setting this up in the game, however I can show you some examples of these schemes in Unity….

Upper Deck Lighting scheme in the “Powered On” state.


Upper Deck Lighting scheme in the “Powered Off” state.


Upper Deck Room in the “Powered On” state.


Upper Deck Room in the “Powered Off” state.


Lower Deck Corridors in the “Powered On” state.


Lower Deck Corridors in the “Powered Off” state.


Container Room Walkways in the “Powered On” state.


Container Room Walkways in the “Powered Off” state.


That’s all for today.

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