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Team Junkfish News
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Sep 13, 2016
What’s Team Junkfish playing these days then? (Sep ’16 edition)
Ahoy! So we’ve been pretty busy with a load of things these days, and not just in work. Steph’s been fueling her Great British Bake Off...

May 23, 2016
Monstrum Update V.1.4 – Birthday Update!
Ahoy! It’s been a while since our last update, but this weekend we’re celebrating Monstrum’s 1st proper birthday! We have a couple of...
Dec 16, 2015
Art Blog 22 – Polish. Cut. Pour.
Interior of the helicopter now has its texture pretty far along, didn’t take long – I used that ‘Frankenstein’ method (mentioned in the...

Oct 15, 2015
Monstrum v.1.3 – Oculus, Halloween and more!
Ahoy! Given that it is the season for all things spooky, we have another Monstrum update for you! We’ve made the Oculus build of Monstrum...

Oct 13, 2015
Monstrum nominated for Scottish BAFTA!
We’re super happy to announce that Monstrum has been nominated for Best Game at the Scottish BAFTAs! Also in the running are Blazing...

Oct 5, 2015
Monstrum Oculus Rift Build now live (sorta)!
Ahoy! A big update that’s been a long time coming. The Oculus Rift version of Monstrum is now available on Steam! …sorta. We’re still...

Jul 23, 2015
Upcoming events- The Monstrum VR Tour Rides On!
Ahoy! Just a quick recap of what we’re up to and what we’ll be doing in the upcoming weeks! Monstrum! Most obvious and first up:...
Jul 23, 2015
News: Upcoming events! The Monstrum VR Tour Rides On!
Ahoy! Just a quick recap of what we’re up to and what we’ll be doing in the upcoming weeks! Monstrum! 📷 Most obvious and first up:...
Jul 6, 2015
Monstrum now available for Mac and Linux!
We’re happy to announce that the Mac and Linux versions of Monstrum are now available! We’ve also added the OST to Steam for download...
Jun 20, 2015
Monstrum is 25% off for the Steam Summer Sale!
Ahoy! You read the headline and that’s exactly what it is. Lots of people jumped into the Steam Summer Game and… 📷 Ding ding! You all...

May 20, 2015
Monstrum is now available!
Well, this is it. Monstrum v.1.0 is now available! No more Early Access, you now have the whole game to die in! We’re still planning some...
May 14, 2015
Monstrum Early Access Update – v0.9.5
Ahoy! Once again we’ve got an update for you all, so be sure to keep an eye out for when it goes live! Monstrum 0.9.5 Change Log New...
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